2018 Sept General Meeting Minutes 9.17.18

18 members and guests were in attendance.

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm and Vice President Roger Frowein introduced Tim Howe to share information about the Rezab Prairie at the Old Macomb Cemetery.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes were shared and motion was made and passed to approve the minutes from the August meeting.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The Society has $63,593.58 in total assets currently.

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Bridget Hinchee will discuss the Atkinson/McCord Cemetery at our October meeting.

MEMBERSHIP: We have 225 members, one new member and two renewals

PUBLICATIONS: The County History book is available for pickup for those who pre-purchased it.  There are a few left available for purchase at the Library.

VOLUNTEER: We need volunteers to staff the Library on Saturday, Sept. 29 and October dates.  We can also use volunteers to do indexing from their home computers.


WEBSITE: Jean shared information about the Announcements page, as well as an area for Queries.  She has asked for historical photos to be sent to her also.  They may be sent via email or regular mail.

OLD BUSINESS: Members were reminded of the ISGS Conference at the end of October in Springfield. Information is available at ILGENSOC.ORG.  McDonough County Clerk Gretchen DeJaynes will be receiving a Community Service award at the event.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: We need a Volunteer Committee head. Elections will be held in October.  Let Debbie Nicholson know if you are interested prior to Saturday, October 13.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Julie Terstriep, Secretary